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Gay pride day 2009

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A big holiday(feast) which mixs musical genres till small hours. N- 23 hours at 6 am: Pride party Former(Ancient) Belgium (Boulevard Anspach - 1000 Brussels). Tanks start of the Boulevard Anspach, between the stock exchange and the Place Fontainas (direction(management) Parks of Noon(South)). N- 12 hours at midnight: Rainbowvillage in the district Saint Jacques.

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N- 11 hours: Service of oecumenical reflection ? Change to your mind ? in the church of Our Lady of the Check-help (Rue du Marchè au Charbon ? Garden of Olivier - 1000 Brussels) N- 11 hours: political Debate in the City hall of Brussels.

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Today the tiny coastal hamlet of Easkey in Co Sligo, which. NProgramme of Lesbian and Gay Pride (on Saturday, May 16th, 2009) A village in Ireland is going gay for a day in what is thought to be the smallest gay pride event in the world. All week will be animated(stimulated) by activities, exhibitions, holidays(name-days). A colored walking(march) will be organized in the centre of Brussels (20 hours). N- In May 8th: opening of the Week Rainbow (19 hours) with a reception given to the City hall of Brussels. NProgramme of the Week Rainbow (in May 8-15th, 2009) An event with festive character which is going to roam through the streets of the capital to carry(wear) loud and clear the demands of the homoes and the lesbians. In Brussels, this week ends on Saturday, May 16th with Lesbian and Gay Pride. From 8 till opens in Belgium the Week Rainbow.

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